Certification Process

It normally takes 3 to 4 months to process a Certified Members application from the time it is received until the date of final approval by the council. Once all documentation is received by the Society, the applicant’s information will be reviewed by the Panel of Examiners and Certification Board prior to final approval by ASSMT Council. To help speed the process of certification, applicants should ensure to complete the application in full and include all transcripts and supporting documentation along with the $50.00 application fee.

Completing The Application Form

Please ensure applications are prepared neatly, and provide as much detail as necessary to describe your qualifications. The following check list will help assist in completing the application.

  • Answer all relevant questions on the application form. If you are quite sure that a question does not apply in your case, write “N.A.” (not applicable).
  • The Certification Board can only make an evaluation on the information provided. Please detail all items, PARTICULARLY WORK EXPERIENCE as it gives the Board more background. Letters of reference from employers outlining duties are particularly beneficial.
  • For maximum credit, ALL EDUCATION MUST BE SUPPORTED WITH DOCUMENTATION. This must be in the form of official transcripts, original documents or certified true copies. It is recommended that applicants send certified true copies.
  • In the case of education outside Canada, it is in the applicant’s best interest that course outlines be included with transcripts. These course outlines should detail the number of hours of instruction, summary of course content, etc. All documents in a language other than English should be accompanied by a certified English translation.
  • On item 12 of the application, the applicant is requested to supply the names, addresses and email addresses of individuals whom the Society may contact for references. These individuals should know or have known the applicants and their work experience. It is recommended that the applicant approach the individuals and obtain their consent before listing them on the application form. Individual letters of reference are particularly helpful in assessing applicants, therefore suggested.
  • The fee of $50.00 must accompany the application (by check) or make arrangements for payment via credit card with the executive assistant by contacting executive.assistant@assmt.ca
  • Successful applicants and their employer receive letters informing them of the certification results. Upon certification, a membership certificate is prepared and will be available approximately one (1) month following certification, and payment of annual dues.

The Mechanics of Certification

The following information is a description of the process followed with each application:

  • Upon receipt of an application, a personal file is opened by the Executive Assistant, who will acknowledge receipt of the application by email.  Any missing documentation will be requested.
  • The Registrar forwards the file to the Panel of Examiners. All information is equated and assessed according to Alberta Educational standards.
  • The file is then forwarded to the Certification Board where the level of certification is determined. The Panel of Examiners’ assessment, work experience, references, character and integrity are all given serious consideration in establishing the level of certification.
  • Once accepted by Council, it is forwarded to the Registrar who will register and inform the new member of level of certification and membership dues. Upon receipt of dues, a certificate and card will be presented or mailed to the new member.


Any applicant may appeal the decision of the Certification Board or Panel of Examiners. This may be in connection with:

  1. Failure to gain certification at any level
  2. Dissatisfaction with the level of certification awarded
  3. Disagreement with the recommended upgrading program
  4. Disagreement with the field of technology awarded

In all cases, the only appeal recognized will be through a letter to the ASSMT Registrar stating the nature of the appeal and the grounds on which the appeal is made. At this time, supporting documents must be submitted or in the case of (3), a preferred alternative program or course with outlines of course content, duration, and level of study.


The onus is on the individual member to apply for re-certification from one level to another. Application for re-certification should include the reasons for requesting re-certification including additional education and/or work experience and any other relevant information. Once received, the application will follow the regular process and procedures of certification.


Nothing from March 1, 2025 to May 1, 2025.


Alberta Society of Surveying and Mapping Technologies

4447 99 Street NW
Edmonton, AB T6E 5B6

In-person visits are available by appointment only.

T (780) 412-1318(780) 413-0076
