
We are always looking for members to volunteer their time by joining one of our committees.

Executive Committee is composed of the President, Vice President, Past President and an advisor. They are responsible for the Society’s strategic direction, decision-making process and overall management.

Legislative Committee makes recommendations to the bylaws by researching and analyzing positions on relevant policy issues. The committee members, often volunteers with expertise or interest in policy, work together to develop the Society’s advocacy agenda and strategies.

Education Committee is responsible for overseeing and guiding the Society’s educational programs and initiatives. The committee ensures that educational opportunities are available to the members.

Public Relations & Membership Committee is responsible for the Society’s public image and promotes activities to attract and retain membership.

AGM Committee is responsible for the Society’s Annual General Meeting.

Nominating Committee is responsible for selecting capable individuals that can contribute to the Society’s leadership positions.


Nothing from March 1, 2025 to May 1, 2025.


Alberta Society of Surveying and Mapping Technologies

4447 99 Street NW
Edmonton, AB T6E 5B6

In-person visits are available by appointment only.

T (780) 412-1318(780) 413-0076