

The following is a general guideline on qualifications required for Certification with ASSMT from Technician to Senior Technologist. Certification is completed under one of the following disciplines:  Cadastral Survey, Civil Survey, Drafting/GIS, and Photogrammetry/Remote Sensing.


Skills Required: A Technician shall (if applicable depending on the discipline):

  1. Be able to perform relevant calculations or analysis of data for employed activities, this could include physics, algebra, trigonometry, calculus, statistics, spatial analysis, and spherical trigonometry.
  2. Be able to perform and understand the basic principles of fieldwork and data collection.
  3. Have basic safety awareness and general safety requirements for working in relevant industries. This could include certificates for First Aid, WHMIS, H2S, and others.
  4. Understand the proper handling, use, and adjustment techniques for data collection equipment.
  5. Have experience in plan and figure preparation reading, this could include drafting in CAD and analysis in GIS software.
  6. Have knowledge of the industry’s standard of practice.
  7. Communicate well and can conduct field notes and interpret supporting documents.
  8. Understand project management duties such as project specifics, time management, daily field reports, and time sheets.

Qualifications: A Technician shall:

  1. Be working for a number of years in the industry of discipline with acceptable cumulative experience.


  1. Hold transcripts from a post-secondary in an acceptable discipline.


Skills Required: A Senior Technician shall (if applicable depending on the discipline):

  1. Have all the skills required to be certified as a Technician.
  2. Have years of progressive documented experience culminating with the skills of a certified technician.

Qualifications: A Senior Technician shall:

  1. Be working for a number of years in the industry of discipline with acceptable cumulative experience.


  1. Hold transcripts from a post-secondary in an acceptable discipline.


Skills Required: A Technologist shall (if applicable depending on the discipline):

  1. Have all the skills required to be certified as a Senior Technician.
  2. Have an in-depth and detailed understanding of industry principles and can communicate them and the degree of accuracy required for any project to Technicians and Senior Technicians.
  3. Have the ability to do advanced calculations and analysis. Experience with industry-used software is required.
  4. Possess the ability to manage field or office operations in a limited capacity.

Qualifications: A Technologist shall:

  1. Be working for a number of years in the industry of discipline with acceptable cumulative experience.


  1. Have graduated from post-secondary in an acceptable discipline.

and/or equivalent

  1. Have completed ASSMT Syllabus Level 1.


Skills Required: A Senior Technologist shall:

  1. Have all the skills required to be certified as a Technologist.
  2. Have years of progressive documented experience culminating with the skills of a certified Technologist.
  3. Be able to manage projects from beginning to end supervising personnel, resolving problems, maintaining quality control, coordinating field operations, and meeting project deadlines.
  4. Excellent communication skills are required both written and verbal. Interpersonal and dispute-resolving skills are also required.
  5. Time management principles, allocation, and tools.
  6. Safety program knowledge and enforcement
  7. Financial processes on estimating, budgeting, cost control, and invoicing
  8. Staff management, delegation, supervision, mentoring, leadership, motivation, and interviews.
  9. Appropriate legislation, regulations, and ethics associated with industry activities.
  10. Asset management for equipment, supplies, vehicles, specialized equipment, security, and crime.
  11. Understanding the marketing process, proposal writing, contracts, service agreements, etc.

Qualifications: A Senior Technologist shall:

  1. Be working for a number of years in the industry of discipline with acceptable cumulative experience.


  1. Have graduated from post-secondary in an acceptable discipline.

and/or equivalent

  1. Have completed ASSMT Syllabus Level 2.

REGISTERED TECHNOLOGIST (Limited Scope of Practice)

Skills Required: A Registered Survey Technologist shall:

  1. Have all the skills to be certified as a Senior Technologist.
  2. Have years of progressive documented experience culminating with the skills of a certified senior technologist.

Qualifications: A Registered Technologist shall:

  1. Have a limited scope of practice mutually agreed to by ASSMT and the ALSA.

Nothing from March 1, 2025 to May 1, 2025.


Alberta Society of Surveying and Mapping Technologies

4447 99 Street NW
Edmonton, AB T6E 5B6

In-person visits are available by appointment only.

T (780) 412-1318(780) 413-0076
