Who Can Join?

Who Can Join?

What does Membership Cost?

Click here to view our current Application and Annual Fees Structure.

What qualifications do I need?

Click here to view a sample of the required qualifications.

Certification Process

All Certified Member applications are reviewed by the Panel of Examiners, then by the Certification Board and finally approved by ASSMT Council for membership. Applicants are certified based on a combination of education and experience gained in the industry. New Certified Members are approved at one of four levels in their field of expertise:

  1. Technician
  2. Senior Technician
  3. Technologist
  4. Senior Technologist
  5. Registered Survey Technologist (under development)

Click here for additional detailed information on our Certification Process.

Upon certification, members are encouraged and entitled to use the letters CST (Certified Survey Technologist/Technician) after their name. New members receive a certificate suitable for framing and a wallet card, which is updated annually.

How do I Apply?

Select one of the following applications to join ASSMT:


Nothing from March 1, 2025 to May 1, 2025.


Alberta Society of Surveying and Mapping Technologies

4447 99 Street NW
Edmonton, AB T6E 5B6

In-person visits are available by appointment only.

T (780) 412-1318(780) 413-0076
